Monday, February 23, 2009

The Loving Roots of Hate

When our expressions of what we love are not validated, or worse when they are stifled, we must continue to communicate what we love in other ways until we are heard. One of those other ways is hate. Hating the opposite of or the absence of what we love is another way to prove to the world and ultimately to ourselves that it is OK to love what we love, “See how bad it is without that thing I love. Is it OK to love it now? How much more do I need to do or put up with to convince you that I need to love it; I should love it; it’s OK to love it; I do love it?” Of course the "you" that ultimately needs convincing is you--the person who is trying to reclaim the “lost” right to love what you love.

When what we love is OK with us, it needs no further validation. When we think for whatever reason it is not OK to love what we love, we set about proving it by seeking out or creating the things we hate. It’s no wonder there is so much hate in the world. It exists in direct proportion to what we love and cannot claim. The more hateful something is-–be it a thing, an action, a relationship, or a war–-the more it validates the thing we love. The more people agree and validate what we the love, the quicker the hateful thing disappears.

We are always right about what we feel, so when we become disconnected from what we love, our compass kicks in, and we begin the journey home to the love that we are by creating contrast. It seems we are often more aware of what we hate than what we love-–thus we can be grateful for our keen sensitivity to pain. When we hit something we hate, we know it and can use it as validation for turning toward the thing we love. Hate creates immediate action proportionate to the power of the love behind it.

We are born with a deep sense of knowing. Some call this kind of knowing our inner wisdom or our inner compass. Learning is simply a way to name and organize what we already know so we can access it readily. While we may forget what we learn, we never forget what we know at the deepest level of inner wisdom. Knowing that we know is exhilarating. We call it awareness. Knowing what we love is the ultimate connection with self.

If you want to know who you are, skip the hate and pain and just allow yourself to love what you love. If you are already in the disliking or hating stage of seeking, remember you are right and just SAY WHAT YOU SEE to yourself as in, "You don't like that at all. You hate that!" It will speed the process of identifying what you love--what it is you've been fighting for. When you get there, your unswerving declaration of love will inspire others to do the same.


Saturday, January 3, 2009


My eight-year old niece asked her dad a profound question yesterday, "Does time go faster than a car?" My first thought was to say, "Sounds like you think time goes." My second thought was, "Wait. I do, too."

Then this question occurred to me. What if it isn't time that goes by, but us? What if time is "stationary," and we change and move through it, then simply measure our changes and movements and call it time? Sounds like the Eternal Now to me.

This paradigm shift is like getting that the earth revolves around the sun, not the other way around. Although both would look the same, this new perspective has amazing potential to eliminate suffering and confusion about time in my life. Time really is relative!

I've thought about this before, but couldn't quite get it. I just needed an eight-year old to show me the way!